Author Barbara A. Luker

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Have you ever noticed that children are fearless? They reach out to touch things that could burn them. They stick their hand in the mouth of a dog without fear that they will get bit. They try to climb on things without worry that they will fall and they trust everyone, even strangers, without question.…

History Lessons

As with most every religion, there are certain days in the religion’s history that hold special significance. For Christians around the world, today is just such a day for on this day so many centuries ago, a son, having just days before made the ultimate sacrifice in his father’s name, was risen from the dead.…

The Plug Has Been Pulled

It’s official!  I finally pulled the plug on my 35+ year career with the City of Saint Peter and I am now officially retired. This past week has been a roller coaster of emotions wound around administering my final election and while both of those issues were fraught with stress and second guessing myself, the…

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